Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Announcing the 2021 HCC Visual Art Faculty Exhibition 

Holyoke Community College is fortunate to have a rich variety of highly creative and dedicated visual art faculty members. This virtual exhibition features up to 5 selections from each contributing (full & part-time) faculty member.  


Contributing faculty members include:

Alix Hegeler

Benj Gleeksman

Bill Devine

Christopher Willingham

Cynthia Ludlam

Douglas Breault

Felice Caivano

Joe Saphire

John Calhoun

Lahri Bond

Margie Rothermich

Tara Conant

Vance Chatel

While we look forward to a time when we can once again safely exhibit on campus, this fabulous selection of work will whet your appetite for for the live and in-person faculty show coming to the Taber Gallery in 2022.